About Scouts in Onslow Village

About Scouts in Onslow Village

The 5th Guildford Scout Group has been part of the Onslow Village Community since 1957. Part of Guildford West Scouts, we currently have a BeaversCubs and Scouts sections, for girls and boys from 6-8 (Beavers), 8 - 10.5 (Cubs) and 10.5 to 14 (Scouts), as well as a link to a local Explorers group when young people reach the age of 14. We meet on Tuesday evenings (Cubs), Wednesday evenings (Beavers) and Friday evenings (Scouts) in the Scout building on Onslow Village recreation ground, as well as at occasional weekend activities.

To find out more and to register for membership visit this page. Note that, like many Scout Groups, 5th Guildford often runs waiting lists and priority is given to those where parents / carers are willing to volunteer. When the group is full priority is also given to those who live within out catchment (broadly including Onslow Village, Compton and surrounding areas - see the map here
5th Guildford Scouts is a charity run entirely by a team of volunteers from the local community. We are always looking for more volunteers and there are many ways in which you can help. If you might be interested in helping young people learn new skills and have loads of fun then get in touch. 

Scouts prepare young people for Skills For Life

Each week Scouts gives almost half a million people aged 6-25 the skills they need for school, college, university, the job interview, the important speech, the tricky challenge and the big dreams: the skills they need for life. We’re talking about teamwork, leadership and resilience & skills that have helped Scouts become everything from teachers and social workers to astronauts and Olympians. Everyone’s welcome here. 
Where are we?
Powell Close
Onslow Village
-0.601984951.2335046https://www.5thguildford.org.uk/Images/SA_Site_Images/MapIcons/2018FleurDeLis_7413dc.png 1 -0.6019849 -0.6019849 51.2335046 51.2335046 -0.6019849 51.2335046 16 roadmap 0 0

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